
Hey fellow monkeys, just a note to let you all know that we WILL be putting out more episodes. The holidays have caused some scheduling issues between Connie and myself, but these should be resolved soon. If you like the first episode, please leave us a comment on here or on iTunes (we finally got on there after some technical issues). If you have suggestions on how we can improve leave those as well.

And as always, keep the poo flinging to a minimum.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey fellow monkeys, just thought I’d wish you all a good thanksgiving. Remember what you are thankful for and think about how to make the world a better place. After all, we are all stuck on this rock together and should try to make the time we have together enjoyable for all.


First Episode

Episode 1: Welcome Pants

No poo flinging please.

I had to upload again due to some technical issues. Please be patient as our hosting site appears to be having issues.

News Stories








Welcome to the page for Monkeys in Pants, a new blog/podcast where I will be commenting on the world around me and trying to have fun while doing that. I will have a co-host for the podcast and you will just have to wait to see who that is. Other than that, I hope you all are well and I’ll talk to all my fellow Monkeys in Pants later.
